Two intersection faults - simple scenario for fault network uncertainty

This example is based on the simple model of two intersecting faults used by Mark in some of the presentations. Idea: we know that two faults exists, but not their age relationship. Offset is expected/ potentially estimated from stratigraphic relationships across fault.

In [17]:
import sys, os
import subprocess
noddyprogram = os.path.realpath(r'../../noddy')
example_directory = os.path.realpath(r'../../docs/examples')

# set Pythonpath to pynoddy
import pynoddy

In [9]:
# Compute noddy model for history file
history_file = 'fault_model_1.his'
history = os.path.join(example_directory, history_file)
output_name = 'noddy_out'
# call Noddy
print subprocess.Popen([noddyprogram, history, output_name], 
                       shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, 

In [15]:

In [16]:

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